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Artificial Intelligence Recruitment

Artificial Intelligence Recruitment

Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Future In Recruitment 

Artificial Intelligence might be taking over the employment process worldwide making it a hiring utopia. Which would mean that finding better qualified candidates will be easier and time will be reduced for recruiters.

As mentioned in our previous article, since a big part of the work force will be taken by tech-savy millennials, the capabilities that companies will be searching for in the future will be analytically and technologically based. Thus, artificial intelligence would be practical in the future for recruitment.

Artificial Intelligence is basically defined as a machine working with the same intelligence as a human. Therefore, it would be able to understand conversations, analyse information and make plans the same way as a human.

Considering that there is an increasing demand for soft skills in companies due to the digitalisation taking place, face to face conversations will decrease and consequently digital tools will be used for communication.

It could also be beneficial for potential employees who are applying for jobs as it would select applicants based on the overall fit for the company and avoid selection based on biases. Therefore, giving a chance to under-represented groups in the work field.

Founder of, Rich Joffe says that; the algorithm is only allowed to match based on the data they tell it to look at: skills, industries, or tiers of companies. Which would limit bias and optimise opportunities for people.

This technology will be revolutionising the candidate search by also analysing body language, micro-expressions, voice energy, voice quality and pace of speech with the use of biometric and psychometric analysis.

AI will additionally be used to aid in the development of internal talent. The University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business has partnered with CorpU to learn how to recognize high-potential employees using machine learning through a twenty-week online course.

Artificial Intelligence is already being said to replace 16% of jobs within the next ten years in HR according to the Undercover Recruiter. Also, a survey done by Vanson Bourne say 80% of companies are already investing in AI.

Although AI will aid in the process of recruitment it won’t completely replace it. Independently machines can’t proactively emulate human intelligence and empathy which is still very important in the recruitment process.

A lot of companies admit that they can’t completely erase the bias in the process and believe it shouldn’t be looked at as a silver bullet.

