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AI Development Helps Stroke Patients

AI Development Helps Stroke Patients

AI Development Said to help Stroke Patients

Imagine if there was a way to assist stroke patients with their rehabilitation process 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Imagine a system that can cater to their constant need in an effective manner with the aid of AI; and finally, what better company to develop such technology than the ‘father figure of Artificial Intelligence’ itself – IBM.

A global leader in AI for business, IBM is a magnate for big name successful collaborations in data transformation across 20 industries in 80 countries. Having ensured over 1600 AI-related patents, the company shows itself as a strong contender when it comes to improving and reducing healthcare costs.

With the healthcare virtual assistant market growing and reaching an estimated $1.76 billion by 2025, it seemed almost natural for IBM and Ergo Aktiv, a Czech Neurorehabilitation Centre, to team up. The two companies joined forces to create a virtual assistant for families facing the repercussions of a stroke or other forms of brain damage.  This is a further comfort for caregivers of such patients as the role of a caregiver or a rehabilitator can be quite challenging.

The virtual assistant, called Andělín, was creatively built on the IBM Watson Cloud and was devised to help stroke patients navigate the rehabilitation process and help them return to a ‘normal’ active life. Some patients wouldn’t know the first thing to ask or research in some cases, so this way, the assistant can be an easier guide. It would address questions and concerns pertaining to post-stroke rehabilitation and help to reduce confusion and misinterpretation.

Head of Ergo Aktiv, Jan Konig, commented,

“The virtual assistant guides the users by asking specific questions needed to provide an answer or help. It also gives pointers to the other reliable sources of information (such as) ERGO Aktiv and other online sources.”

While patients who have suffered a stroke often at times need some form of interaction for their rehabilitation process, there are some who prefer a more personal approach as the alternative. The virtual assistant provides this secondary option. Whether being contacted digitally or through direct human contact for more precise answers, the end result is for patients to feel like they are experiencing that interpersonal touch where they can express emotions, get a direct response and be proposed of the next step of their therapy process.

IBM is certainly a pioneer when it comes to innovative forward thinking in the healthcare sector. It is only inevitable for more organisation to benefit and partner up with the juggernaut. Its Chairman, President and CEO, Ginni Rometty concluded,

“IBM is writing the next chapter of business and social transformation together with our clients. Companies across Europe and the world are working with IBM to put the hybrid cloud infrastructure in place and to start infusing AI into businesses processes as a mean to accelerate future innovation.”



  1. IBM Develops Virtual Assistant to Aid Stroke Patients, May 2019. IDigitalHealth
  2. IBM and ERGO Aktiv are helping people after stroke, May 2019, NewsRoom
  3. IBM Showcases Work with European Companies Using Hybrid Cloud and AI Solutions to Transform Industries. May 2019. Timestech 
  4. Artificial Intelligence:   Applications with Promise, May 2019, Biia