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How Artificial Intelligence can Improve Human Resources

How Artificial Intelligence can Improve Human Resources

Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources

Using Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) in the workplace has evolved significantly and increased in popularity from its inception, now working its way into the mainstream. Indeed, one study from last year found that 50% of the HR staff and other employees surveyed were using A.I. to some extent at work. However, several Human Resources personnel are still relying solely on conventional methods to finish their tasks, therefore not embracing the full potential of the modern A.I. technologies available. In this article we will illustrate the benefits of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resources tasks.

Perhaps the most important task of Human Resources is Talent Acquisition. It is arguably also one of the trickiest ones, particularly due to the over-saturation of candidates in the market and the identification of top talents. For this, A.I. can be an exemplary tool, especially during the initial phase of talent acquisition as it can conduct a comparative review of an applicant’s profile to verify their abilities with present workers or the job description in a few seconds. In addition, features such as a chatbot recording preliminary but integral information regarding age, area, background, experience, skills etc. can save the HR professional valuable time and still receive the necessary data. This allows HRs to devote more time to endeavours that intelligent machines cannot accomplish, such as taking care of employee wellbeing and overseeing a positive company culture.

Likewise, A.I. can be valuable for employee experience. The same A.I. operated tools can be accessed by prospective candidates to learn about company details, or any other questions, which is significantly more convenient than waiting for an answer from the company itself. Additionally, it can help with the onboarding process for new recruits. For example, an A.I. software can be used to create a digital orientation process that includes office information, contacts, virtual viewing of the office etc. This can be accessed by many new employees, no matter the location, quantity and sometimes even language, which ensures that everybody is on the same page.

In succession, coaching and training can benefit from incorporating A.I. as it can analyse the staff abilities and suggest lessons or tutorials depending on their task specifications without managers or employees spending hours trying to find suitable resources. It can instantly interpret reports or evaluate employee performance to build effective coaching sessions.

Even with the advantages, Human Resources representatives may be apprehensive that using A.I. can dehumanise the process. However, with the right combination of personal communication and digital means, it can improve task quality while minimising workload. This ensures that the Human Resources can focus on other priority assignments and leave the rest to a trusted computer friend.


  1. Ten HR Trends In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence, January 8, 2019, Forbes.
  2. The Impact of AI in Human Resource Decision-Making Processes, January 06, 2020. HRTechnologist.