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Welcoming and Integrating New Remote Recruits

Welcoming and Integrating New Remote Recruits

Welcoming and Intergrating New Remote Recruits

Studies are in consensus that the induction of new employees matters well beyond the end of the onboarding period. If employees experience great onboarding, they are 69% more likely to stay at a company for 3 years. Acing this is a challenge in a normal context, but now many companies must intergrate new recruits remotely.

Indeed, new recruits are expected to integrate into the team and learn the ropes of their role, all of which are made more difficult by the lack of in-person contact. However, companies can take steps to adapt to the constraints of the new environment to welcome and integrate their new recruits successfully. In this article we look at some ideas companies can consider when designing their virtual onboarding and orientation programme.

One area to consider is the pace of programme delivery and deadlines for completing introductory tasks. If new recruits must attend consecutive video calls all day, it can be taxing for concentration and ‘zoom fatigue’ can set in. In addition, studies show information given in shorter segments is better absorbed. Thus, to avoid overwhelming new recruits and improve information retention, it may be useful to stagger welcome activities over a longer period.

In the remote context, good communication is perhaps even more important. It is better to over-communicate than to leave employees feeling isolated or abandoned, which could give them a negative impression of the company. Making efforts to check in with new joiners to see how they are finding the experience can help support new employees as well as generating valuable feedback for future improvement.

Further, communication is also important in terms of conveying the company values and culture. Research suggests that these factors are important in fostering a sense of belonging at a company. A LinkedIn study asked employees “What would make you feel that you belonged where you work?” and 37% of respondents answered: “having the company values align with my own personal values.”

Though the virtual context brings certain constraints, employers should make the most of the functions that digital tools offer. Making connections, expanding networks, and integrating socially is an important priority when starting a new role. To aid this process, breakout rooms can be useful in giving new employees the opportunity to socialise with other new joiners and members of their team. In addition, implementing a buddy system can ensure that new recruits have someone to go to if they have any questions or concerns.

To conclude, how successfully companies welcome and integrate new recruits can play an important role in determining long-term success. The virtual environment brings challenges, but with the right strategies these may be overcome, helping to ensure a mutually beneficial experience for employers and new employees alike.



  1. 14 Techniques For Onboarding New Remote Employees, November 2020,
  2. Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Good Onboarding, Arlene S. Hirsch, August 2017,