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World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day 2019

Today is World Cancer Day, an international day marked to raise awareness, show support of cancer patients and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment as a global priority. This day was founded by the Union for International Cancer Control to support the goals of the World Cancer Declaration which was written in 2008.

The union for International Cancer Control which organises World Cancer Day is launching a new 3- year campaign along with the theme “I Am and I Will” which calls for personal commitment to aid in the reduction of the global burden of cancer.

Last year an estimated 9.5 million people worldwide were expected to die from cancer which counts for about 26,000 cancer deaths a day and that number is predicted to grow. All over the world, festivals from communities will be held as well as, walks, seminars, public information campaigns and other events to raise awareness and education on how to fight cancer through screening and early detection.

How people can help themselves

People can help themselves by changing their lifestyle choices by avoiding tobacco products, limiting alcohol, increasing physical activity, having a healthy diet, and staying safe in the sun. In addition to this, they should know about symptoms and signs of cancer and be aware of early detection guidelines because the earlier a cancer is discovered the easier it is to treat.

By sharing stories about their own experiences, communicating with decision-makers, and joining support groups it can help make positive changes for all people affected by cancer. Daily activities and work during and after cancer treatment are opportunities to maintain normality, routine, stability and social contact.

How you can get involved

Cities all over the world are making a statement by lighting up a significant landmark, monuments and buildings orange and blue. You can also get involved by creating your own social media post or by writing a blog with a personal message of commitment and share it with the world. You can also inspire others by hosting your own World Cancer Day event from fundraisers to conferences. You can also make a donation or wear your support by getting your own World cancer Day t-shirt and other merchandise. Go on to find out the other many ways you can show your support for the campaign.

