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Expert in recruitment and Talent development for the healthcare industry


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Our services

A 360° guidance!



Selecting talents in line with the expertise of the job position and always in adequacy with the culture of the company.
Transition management

Transition management

Do you need an expert who can respond to strategic challenges for a given mission?


Evaluate a person's abilities regarding an internal mobility project.


Prepare an individual or a group of individuals to face the daily challenges. 


To advise a person by making them autonomous in the accomplishment and success of their projects.


Accelerate your competitiveness by equipping your teams with tools and techniques adapted to the healthcare market


Accompanying an employee in his professional reconversion.


they describe it better than anyone else

PTC Therapeutics

Alberto Vincent

PTC Therapeutics

"Strammer stands out by positioning the best "custom" candidate for each company. I recommend Strammer for the trust and peace of mind."

Victor Fuentes


"Novartis is a constantly evolving company, which means that the profiles we are looking for are constantly changing as well. Strammer has professionals who are able to keep up with the profiles we need and have a spirit of curiosity to constantly keep up with changes in the industry and in our company."
Bristol-Myers Squibb

Virginia Garcia Alonso

Bristol Myers Squibb

"Strammer always finds the talent that best fits the needs and culture of the company, as he not only focuses on the technical profile, but also seeks to fit the philosophy and way of working of the organization the candidate will be coming into."
logo Translink 1

Mathieu Lemesle

Translink CF

"Strammer's teams supported our employees as they developed their skills.
Given the results obtained with the first four employees, we have decided to mentor all of our talents.
The development of our talents is a priority at Translink CF France in order to ensure the best quality of service to our Life Sciences customers."

David Caumartin

Startup CEO

"Strammer offers French and European healthcare knowledge for key management positions & experts & coaching for employees.
Their service is the most complete at this level and their price allows the start up to find a real partnership. 
Most of our employees have been selected with the efficient and friendly Strammer team."
EIT Health

Robin Eggert-Griscelli

EIT Health

"An innovative team in their field, willing to step out of their comfort zone to accompany and best meet the client's request.
Strammer always brings the right expertise to bear to see its mission through to completion." 

Beatriz Vela


"Strammer is very reliable in their solutions and approach, their industry knowledge sets them apart. They are impeccable in their relationship management, both internally and with candidates.
When I work with Strammer, I am confident that they understand our reality and that of the environment. Their flexibility and knowledge allows them to bring value to the company in a remarkable time frame.”
B Braun logo

Martin Wenderoth

B. Braun Groupe

"If you're looking for top-notch people, you need to turn to one of the leading executive search firms in Europe, Strammer!"

Julia Perez


« Strammer dispose d’une méthodologie complète et d’une connaissance approfondie du marché.
Ils sont dévoués au client et ont des standards élevés dans l’évaluation des profils. Ils ont fait preuve de transparence et d’honnêteté, tant avec les candidats qu’avec nous. »
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Sarah Mauger-Souyri


"I am delighted to have worked on such a strategically important project with all the Strammer teams. This project has allowed us to create two 'new teams' of talent that bring a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences and skills to the course and to Janssen."
MicrosoftTeams image

Career Booster

Review your assets

  • 01

    Preliminary phase

    Aims to determine the goal by analyzing the request and the needs, to determine the most suitable form for the request and the requirements, and to define jointly the modalities of the assessment
  • 02

    Investigation phase

    Allows you to build your professional project; and to verify its relevance; personality test; resume development, LinkedIn, pitch creation...
  • 03

    Conclusion phase

    For the implementation of an action plan

About us

Strammer in a few figures


The Full Talent Solution©, the first integrated offer tailored to meet the challenges of our customers.

    Talent support
    Satisfaction rate