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BeMedTech’s 60th Anniversary

BeMedTech’s 60th Anniversary

Brussels 19th of November 2018

STRAMMER is proud to announce that we are co-sponsoring the beMedTech 60th anniversary event on November 19th in Brussels. The afternoon event, followed by a drink and walking dinner, will display all aspects of a value-based healthcare system that regards needs, urgency, timing, opportunities and commitment.

BeMedTech represents over 220-member companies. By permanently and proactively participating in the evolution of affordable healthcare in Belgium, they want to guarantee the best treatments available for patients.

We are proud to have the opportunity to support the beMedTech’s 60th anniversary taking place in Brussels this November. We are looking forward to meeting you all at this exclusive symposium which will be filled with quality speakers and topics.Benoit Duvivier email3 Lien Linkedin – Managing Director Northern Europe

STRAMMER is honoured to support and be part of the BeMedTech celebration.
