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Our clients' fields
of expertise

Health is a core
concern for our clients


Biotechnology is essentially based on biology.
It implies that living organisms and biological processes are used to make medicines and thus improve the living conditions of humans.


The term "HealthTech" refers to innovative companies that develop new products or technologies in the field of human health.
It is about prevention and monitoring rather than treatment, allowing a real involvement of the patient in the management and monitoring of his own health.


The pharmaceutical industry consists of the discovery, development, manufacturing and selling of drugs for human or veterinary medicine.


Medtechs, on the other hand, are healthcare companies that provide products mainly used in hospitals for diagnosis, treatment, repair or reconstruction and, among other things, to improve patients' health

The ambition of the startup ecosystem is to develop the medical industry of tomorrow by improving the lives of patients and, above all, by saving as many lives as possible.

Our services

A 360° guidance.
From recruitment to outplacement


Our Philosophy: Satisfying You

Strammer accompanies healthcare industries and startups in selecting the right Talents that best fit their needs and challenges.

We guarantee flexibility and speed of execution thanks to a proven methodology, one of the largest rosters of candidates in Europe and specialized teams.

We start when you want!

Transition management

Parental leave, long-term sick leave, unexpected departure, specific mission, particular expertise, .... For all your strategic situations with high stakes, on key positions in your organization,
Strammer provides the solution:
➝ The right person, with the right expertise the right profile and over the desired duration. 


The foundation of everything...

People who know their strengths and focus on them every day are 12% more productive.
100% of successful hires were preceded or complemented by an assessment.

Whether it's recruitment, promotion, development, restructuring, execution or deployment, coaching, mentoring or outplacement, the assessment is the foundation of it all as it will give you concrete, scientific and neutral elements to help you make the right decisions.
Strammer is equipped with the right tools used by a team of dedicated experts.


It is a "must" in a career. Only the good ones are coached CEO Talks - Deloitte

Coaching is designed to improve skills, get the right postures, increase impact on others and contribute to the performance of an individual or a group of individuals.

Whether you want to feel more in tune with your role or move into more responsible positions, specific tools exist to help you achieve your personal goals..

Our coaches, all ICF* certified, will accompany you in this quality process


The common name "mentor" comes from the name of the hero of the Odyssey.

Like him, our mentors will guide and accompany you in improving your soft-skills and especially in improving your hard-skills.

They will advise you and will be by your side to guarantee exceptionality! 

This will save you time and increase your efficiency tenfold! 


In an ever-changing environment, "Reskilling" and "Upskilling" have become a staple and a key to successful companies and teams. 

Whether it is to:
Strengthen the cohesion of a team
Develop certain techniques (communication, planning, sales, management, etc.)
Acquire specific skills
(Agility, EI, transformation management, Leader 4.0, ...)

Strammer has developed a wide range of training courses, face-to-face and or remote, fully adapted to your specific needs! 


"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change“ Stephen Hawking

Redundancy, amicable separation, professional reorientation or other; the phenomenon of moving from one company to another is very common nowadays. 

Strammer will accompany you in your professional transition by providing you with a multidisciplinary team at the service of your professional project.