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Business Storytelling: Why Should We Invest in It?

Business Storytelling: Why Should We Invest in It?

Business Storytelling

Since our childhood, stories have naturally captivated us. It was never just about the story but also about the way it was told. Now that we are older, we may have never considered it, but storytelling can strengthen work performance, improve communication skills, help to be persuasive, engage and inspire others.

More and more people are aware of this, so business storytelling is now a huge trend. But what is it exactly? It is a technique that uses stories/facts to communicate/connect in a business context.

It helps to strengthen the business, attract/engage clients and customers, stand out from the competition and introduce/show the brand and its values. Telling a story about the company/service/product is a marketing strategy that you have certainly seen in commercials or advertisements. The goal is to connect emotionally and commercially with clients/customers. According to a 2017 study from The New York Times, “92% of consumers want brands to make ads that feel like a story.”

Besides adds, companies can use storytelling strategies in other simpler and cheaper ways, such as posting storytelling videos/articles on social media/website.

Employers can also use business storytelling to strengthen their personal brand and work performance. Storytelling is closely linked to communication skills. Developing these two skills makes it easier for workers to interact, communicate and convey their speech. Thus, employees need to work on it, and employers need to encourage/train the workforce on them.

But more than knowing why storytelling is important, you must understand how to share your story. First, it is important to manage and identify the crucial information you should share with your audience, so that they relate and connect with you and your story. In the age of data, information and technology, this can be a difficult task.

Also, all stories must have a key message. Therefore, it is important to reflect on the moral of your story and what you want people to retain from it.  Not exaggerating on details can be vital. Giving people enough information to be interested/engage with you, your story and company is an effective strategy.

At the same time, you need to establish an emotional bond through your story with whoever is listening. This person needs to feel something about your story and relate to your situation. For example, telling others about your difficulties/drawbacks and achievements, showing them authenticity and humanity can really help you.

All things considered, remember that storytelling is not just for some, as everyone has stories and sharing them can have extraordinary results.


  1. Storytelling: How Small Businesses Can Use Stories To Win Customers And Build Loyalty, March 2019, Forbes
  2. Don’t Sell It, Tell It–Storytelling as a Marketing Strategy, September 2019, Inc.
  3. The Surprising Way to Be More Effective at Storytelling, February 2018, Inc.
  4. Why Brand Storytelling Can Be The Secret To Success, August 2019, Forbes