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Millennials Generation: How To Attract Them

Millennials Generation: How To Attract Them

How Employees Of The Future Work & What Attracts Them

Compared to nowadays, the workplace of the future will look a lot different. Digitalisation is taking place and the impact it has on industries of any kind is increasing on a daily basis. New trends include new skills which are required to get a certain job done. Many jobs will disappear and be replaced by new ones. For this reason, many companies ask themselves what they have to search for and which people they should hire to ensure they keep their business stable.

A big part of the future workforce will be taken by a generation, which we know as “Millennials”. The capabilities that companies will be looking for in the future are of an analytical and technological basis and, moreover, thinking in a computer-science-way.

However, with the increasing demand for technological features, soft skills will be of a greater need as well. Soft skills will be required for those aspects, machines and digital tools can’t take care of. We are speaking of abilities, such as abstract thinking, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, the power to be risk-taking and understanding how machines work in order to make the most of what they can do for humans.

When hiring a millennial, companies must think of their lifestyle, their way of thinking, their expectations and needs. Millennials don’t get attracted by usual job offers with a simple 9 to 5 job description. They don’t necessarily care about job duties and responsibilities, but more about what part they will play in a company and what kind of impact they will have. By ensuring that they feel like having an impact, cross-training them across departments can be one way to satisfy expectations they hold.

Another aspect is the right communication. With every new generation, new communication styles appear. Especially when working with Millennials, a generation who grew up with mobile phones and all sorts of digital devices, being open to new communication styles is inevitable to meet them in the middle. Furthermore, the amount of flexibility within a job plays a huge role for the decision-making process of millennials.

We live in a century, where working from abroad, freelancing and working from home is becoming more common. By offering millennials flexible work hours, the chances of attracting them turn higher.

How does it work in the Life Sciences industry? First of all, the Life Sciences industry is very special and fast developing. Within the health industry there will be an increased demand for IT, data recording and analytical competencies. Moreover, research qualities, digital marketing, innovation management and having an expertise in specific cutting-edge technologies will be of an increasing need for keeping the Life Science industry alive.

We can also see a huge drift to digitalisation in this industry, and Artificial Intelligence will be just one of those future changes. Being prepared for future trends and keeping an eye on skills that will be needed is essential for any business, in order to keep up with competitors and keep track with new challenges and opportunities. Especially for the Life Science industry that is related to a lot of ethical rules, standards and regulations.
