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Starting A New Job Amidst Coronavirus

Starting A New Job Amidst Coronavirus

Being Prepared For A New Job Amidst A Pandemic

Starting a new job can be stressful as it is, however, starting one amidst Coronavirus can multiply these apprehensions. With companies still getting used to navigating this new way of working, several uncertainties can impact ways of working, including onboarding and orientation processes. This, therefore, can serve to rise complications and difficulties for new employees.

It is due to these reasons that adaptability and dynamism in new recruits is now more important than ever for businesses to survive the crisis. Through strategic methods, new employees can prove themselves to be a great asset even with the discrepancies due to the virus.

The first step is to take initiative. Leaders in businesses have several additional responsibilities that they must tend to, and therefore new employees cannot expect to receive the same level of direction. At the same time, employees need to be aware of new and old company policies. Be proactive by ensuring that you are informed on policies and other information regarding the company. This will make you familiar with its’ unique culture and give you a sense of belongingness. Alongside, contacting the Human Resources Manager, or your supervisor to receive information or resources ahead of time is a great way to be prepared and take charge. It will show managers that you are responsible, eager and a potentially good leader.

Likewise, displaying your capabilities to the managers can be a great way to stand out. As previously established, managers are struggling with the additional workload of the crisis and would appreciate the extra help. Additionally, volunteering to perform extra tasks can offer managers a new perspective to conduct affairs.During challenging times like this crisis, we must offer as much help as possible to each-other to ensure mutual resuscitation and growth.

However, this also must be conducted in a balanced fashion – being concise is the key. Consider making a list of queries or suggestions at the end of the day and sending an email to your supervisor rather than sending one each time a minute difficulty or a new idea arises.

Lastly, it is considerably more difficult to give and receive direction, guidance and instructions remotely, compared to face to face onboarding. Therefore setting realistic expectations is imperative. Wanting to perform exceptionally while starting a new job is natural, but the flip side is burnout and damage to mental health. Therefore, to recover post-crisis, ensure that compassion reaches everybody, including yourself.

References :

  1. Remote onboarding: starting a new job from your living room, April 21, 2020, WelcomeToTheJungle