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Categoría: News

  • How Organisations can Strengthen Co-Worker Relationships

    How Organisations can Strengthen Co-Worker Relationships

    Strengthening working relationships between colleagues is an important priority for organisations, on a human and business level. Team spirit, inclusivity, and effective collaboration are all things that organisations strive to bring out in their employees and fostering strong interpersonal bonds between colleagues helps to achieve these. When people feel that their colleagues contribute to shared […]

  • Communicating During Times of Change

    Communicating During Times of Change

    Effective communication is vital to successful organisational change. When companies bring in new technologies, change processes, or face crises, leaders need the support of employees to succeed. They need to inspire confidence through their words, motivating the workforce and getting their buy-in with the project, mission, or crisis management plan. But how exactly can leaders […]

  • How to Stimulate Employees to Go the Extra Mile

    How to Stimulate Employees to Go the Extra Mile

    Stimulating employees to go the extra mile can be valuable to organisational performance. It means that, rather than employees fulfilling the minimum requirements of their role, they choose to go above the expectations set for them to further the organisation’s mission, paving the way for enhanced productivity. But how can employers activate effort and encourage […]

  • Why Self-Confidence is Vital for Leaders

    Why Self-Confidence is Vital for Leaders

    In a study by Melbourne University involving employees from large corporations in Melbourne, researchers concluded that “self-confidence is a key determinant of workplace success.” Additionally, Peter Northouse, author of the book Leadership: Theory and Practice, considers self-confidence as one of the 5 leadership traits, along with determination, integrity, sociability, and intelligence. According to his definition, […]

  • Recruiting for the Skills of the Future

    Recruiting for the Skills of the Future

    In today’s business environment, it is a company’s people that drive its success. As workplace digitalisation advances and accelerates, recruiting candidates with the right skills to face future challenges is critical. Forecasts on the future of work have predicted huge job change in the approaching years. Machines are thought to become more and more present […]

  • How HR Can Contribute to the Organisational Brand

    How HR Can Contribute to the Organisational Brand

    Nowadays, employers are increasingly expected to deliver an excellent employee experience, treating their employees as they would customers. In doing so, companies may develop employee brand ambassadors who actively want to share their experiences and recommend the company.  On the other hand, if employees have a negative experience at a company, this could lead to reputational damage, especially in the age of the internet where information can be easily and instantly shared. The employee experience is thus an important component in a company’s branding […]

  • The Challenges & Opportunities of AI in R&D

    The Challenges & Opportunities of AI in R&D

    Bringing a drug to market is a hugely costly process. It is also becoming increasingly lengthier, and this is a major challenge for pharma companies. To stay competitive and meet market demands, improving the efficiency and productivity of their activities is an important priority.  AI and the ever-increasing availability of data present opportunities to do exactly that. Through technological developments and the aid of intelligent machines, it is believed that companies can boost the capabilities of human scientists and meet the […]

  • Staying Healthy and Productive in Remote Work

    Staying Healthy and Productive in Remote Work

    Everyone has experienced the shift to remote work differently, depending on their personal situation and preferences. Although people will weigh up the pros and cons differently, there are certain challenges that come with remote work, namely reduced in-person social contact and a lack of physical distinction between home and work. Now, with remote work continuing for many, it is important to maintain behaviours and practices that support good mental and physical health […]

  • Emotional Intelligence: Why it is Vital for Successful Leaders

    Emotional Intelligence: Why it is Vital for Successful Leaders

    Emotional intelligence (EQ) was named by LinkedIn as one of the Top 5 Soft Skills in 2020, defined in this study as “the ability to perceive, evaluate, and respond to your own emotions and the emotions of others.”  In recent years EQ has become increasingly recognised as a trait integral to excellent and desirable leadership. The stress and hardships inflicted by the Covid-19 crisis are also highlighting its importance, with leaders having to show more empathy for the unique struggles that employees are facing. Today, employees want to work […]

  • How to Plan for Long-Term Hybrid Work

    How to Plan for Long-Term Hybrid Work

    Since the pandemic-driven transition to remote work, studies on remote work are in consensus that workforces can be productive and efficient without being co-located.   A hybrid working model – where teams comprise of employees working remotely and on-site – means less office space is needed and offers employees the possibility for flexible working, among other benefits. And although remote work can bring certain downsides, the home working ‘experiment’ has driven companies to consider alternatives to the traditional model of centralised work.   Indeed, […]
